Freaks and Geeks Wiki

"Why did your staff reject my question? Are you afraid of an open discourse with the students?" -Lindsay to the Vice President

Lindsay Weir is the elder sister of Sam Weir. She is a teenage girl in her junior year at McKinley High School. She is a former member of the Mathletes, she is the only nerdy member of the Freaks, and she is a Democrat. She is portrayed by Linda Cardellini.


As a child, Lindsay was close friends with Millie Kentner. Early in her scholastic career at McKinley High School, she would be recognized as a bright and thoughtful student, as well as the top Mathlete.

However, when her grandmother died, she began to question religion and she became an atheist after her grandmother confessed her fear of death and was scared to know if there's an afterlife or nothing. Lindsay said she also saw "nothing" right before her grandmother's death, social structure, and the general direction of her life. She begins hanging out with a gang of less academically minded friends (known commonly as "burnouts", "stoners", or most notably, "freaks"), which worries both her family and her old friends, in particular to Millie.

She starts out being very deferential to the freaks and ignoring their rudeness towards her mostly from Ken Miller and Kim Kelly, but she loses any fear of them as the series progresses and after she calls them out for being selfish and possessing little-to-no planned futures, her ties to the group were solidified on a level of mutual respect. Despite her new social situation, she remains an intelligent and considerate person. She is continually questioning the world around her in order to find a place to fit in. She is portrayed wearing jeans, striped shirts and her dad's old army jacket during most of the series.
